
Thank you for visiting my movie blog. I love to watch movies and even though sometimes my reviews are put online I really just write them to have fun. Feel free to leave a comment.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Pixar did it again. Brave was a solid movie that brought tears to my daughters eyes.
Without giving too much away I thought the plot had a nice twist. It first wasn't what I thought it was going to be and second wasn't given away at all in any previews. So it actually was a surprise.
Of course everything ended the way it should. The plot though was a cool little twist. Well played Pixar well played.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Small note about me

I have another blog for the randomness that is me. That link is anubelle26.blogspot.com

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

So I go to see Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter yesterday. I was going to write this last night but wanted to better compose my thoughts before trying to type this out.

Going into the movie my main thought was "I hope this doesn't suck because I really liked the book". I did not go into it thinking it was going to be an Oscar worthy film. I read a couple reviews and since I have come to the conclusion that professional movie reviewers do not really know what they are talking about I took them with a grain of salt. By this I simply mean that good movies get a bad rap because reviewers become jaded over time with what they like and don't.

If you have read the book there are little differences that may throw you off. But, then again the differences may be completely unnoticeable to you. At any rate I thought that some of the action was pretty entertaining. I have never seen choreography like that with an axe. I mean I am not one that is usually big on fight scenes but watching someone fight with an axe was pretty darn cool.

Yes it had vampires in it but, if you look past the obvious fabrications then you do get a brief but nice little history reminder. Abe as a lawyer, becoming the speaker that he was and ultimately President. Him speaking out against slavery, the civil war, and the Gettysburg address. Sure it won't be history class but if you know your stuff it does put a nice little twist on things.

In my opinion it did start to drag in certain parts but, did hold my attention enough that through the whole movie I was fairly entertained. Benjamin Walker to me played a good Lincoln. His makeup and costume were what I thought it would be. He was reserved enough to come across like the man we all have learned Lincoln was. Casting in all I thought was done fairly well.

Going into the movie expecting an Oscar worthy film will leave you disappointed. However, going into it with the sheer desire to be entertained for a couple hours while getting a small history lesson and a lot of axe fighting is the best way to go. Those points are well hit upon.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


    In my original beginning of my first blog I stated that I would not write about books, movies or music alone. The more I thought about it the more I realized that especially with movies I can not ignore the fact that I love them. I am a nerd a proud nerd at that. As for genres in the movie industry I do not by definition stick to a certain one. I have loved a lot of movies for many reasons.

     I remember toward the middle of April maybe even earlier my brother posted on Facebook that he wanted to go to the midnight showing of the Avengers. He wanted someone to come with him. Me in my way said I would go to "Pre watch it to make sure that it was okay for my son to watch." The truth of the matter is that I didnt want to admit that I was that excited about the movie. Prior to the release we both avoided spoilers. On the night of the movie we got to the theatre at 10:00 p.m. for the show. Two hours early but, we had to make sure that we had good seats.

     Before the movie I remember sitting there and talking to my brother about the characters in this movie. I was nervous for Mark Ruffalo because every actor to play the Bruce Banner/Hulk character fell short for me. I loved Mark as an actor prior and hoped above hope that he knocked it out of the park. Of course, I was not disappointed in this. He played that character the way I always thought it should be played. Of course this means more like Bill Bixby because my inner child's voice could not be ignored and that was my Bruce of choice.

     Then my brother said to me "Tom Hiddleston the guy that plays Loki.." I sat there waiting. "He would have made a great Snape in the Harry Potter films." This of course led to some debate because of all the casting in that movie I really felt that Snape played by Alan Rickman and Luna Lovegood played by Evanna Lynch were the most brilliant casting choices of that series. But, his point was valid the age discrepincy was too large between Snape was and Harry's parents when they should have been the same age. So I reluctantly said "Okay I will see what I think." I have always liked Rickman as an actor so I was not sure what I would think. Tom did not let my brother down.(His spot on Rickman impersonation that I heard later makes it even better.) I was quite impressed by him in this role as well.

     We talked about many movies that night as we so often do. My brother is considerably younger than me so we introduce each other to movies that the other may not have seen. I actually have found that he is no longer my baby brother but an adult. Me being 33 and him 20 that was a rough pill to swallow. I am glad though that I did. 

    My brother who is a huge Wedon fan talked about TV shows that he did and so forth. I myself have never really remembered directors. Not because I do not think what they do is important but, I have the tendency to lose myself in movies. I have always been like that. It is an escape for me. I digressed.

     So, the Avengers started and we sat in silence for two hours. Well, except for laughing in many scenes and myself cringing when the Hulk slams Loki. Although the "puiny god" comment made me laugh my fool head off. It was a great movie and there were many spots where I actually held my breath for scenes. The dialog was great. All the actors played their respective characters very well. All in all very entertaining.

     During the movie the twists were awesome. Watching Thor who obviously loves his brother be so conflicted with his feelings was not really something you expect in a typical action type movie. I think that the tone of that was relationship was set well in the previous movie (I did not see it prior) and carried on without a hitch. Watching the Hulk was well, I was giddy like a school girl. It was amazing.The fact that Lou Ferrigno carried on the Hulks voice was just AMAZING. Like I said my inner child has always been so caught up in that Hulk. The humor was what surprised me the most. I wasnt expecting it to go over so well. Tony Stark was amazing. Loki and Thor had great interactions as well.

     I decided that at the very end of the movie I definitely had to see it again. So, the following Tuesday I went with my younger sister. Then I went again with my son and his friends for his birthday. I have NEVER gone to the movies to see a picture more than once. This was three times and I would go see it again in a heartbeat.

     I can not tell a lie though. Before the Avengers I hadnt seen Captain America or any of the Iron Man movies. Nor had I had a chance to see Thor. Blasphemy I know. Coming out of that movie I realized that I had missed a few good movies. Luckily, I was just enough of a comic book follower (Stan Lee is a god just ask Kevin Smith) and I knew enough about Norse mythology to get me by. I remember watching the cartoons as a kid and loving them.

     This movie opened my eyes to many things. Actors that I didnt know much about I was introduced to and I am glad that I was. All in all such a talented cast. I mean really how could you go wrong. Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Ruffalo, Cobie Smulders (Big HIMYM fan), Robert Downey Jr. those actors alone would have sold it for me. But, then you add Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner and most importantly Tom Hiddleston and you can do no wrong.

     This movie was not what I expected at all but in such a marvelous way that I am literally counting down to Thor 2. It is marked on my calendar. I will never again look at these movies in the same way. Thank you Joss for a visiually stimulating movie that was so well directed. Cast you were amazing.

     If you havent seen this movie you must. You may be one of the few that havent. It is worth it.