Directed by: John
Screenplay by:
Nick Cave
Based on novel
by: Matt Bondurant
Starring: Tom Hardy,
Shia LaBeouf and Guy Pearce
Going into Lawless having read “The
Wettest County in the World” and hearing that it was based loosely on the book
I was not sure what to think. The book was amazing. The deviations from the
book were done well and stuck to through the whole movie so it was not
blaringly obvious.
Within the first five minutes of “Lawless”
the story really started to get moving. Character development went along as the
movie progressed which many times does not work, other times it does. In this
instance it worked well. The Bondurant brothers stuck together through thick
and thin. Even though in “Lawless” there were not a lot of issues with the each
other. They were three brothers trying to make a better life for each other.
Yeah, so it was a life of illegal booze but, it was their life. Lawless
captured the bond between the brothers and showed how once they let you into
the family you were as good as blood to them. You just have to ask Maggie and
Forrest who was played by Tom Hardy was the
silent leader of the family. Although, from seeing interviews with Hardy I can
readily admit that he does talk more than I thought he would. Sure he had his
grunts and so forth but, very true to the way men were back then he was a man
of few words. Forrest was intimidating. The character that you never really
could tell what he was thinking. One moment he would appear to be as serene as
anyone could be and then in a flash someone was being punched with his brass
knuckles. Forrest was a legend in town, a man that no one wanted to trifle
with. Tom got the privilege of delivering the most memorable lines of Lawless.
Shia LaBeouf who played Jack Bondurant
did a decent job. Being slightly apprehensive of him playing the character I
was surprised. Although there were some parts of Lawless where he did seem more
forced that anything else. For instance when Cricket died his reaction to his
best friend dying was underwhelming to say the least. All in all Jack was
played okay. One thing that was captured very well was how different he was
from his brothers Forrest and Howard even if that was not what he wanted. The
movie was told from Jack’s point of view so narration was also done by Shia.
Guy Pearce, as Charlie Rakes was
brilliant. He walked on screen and within a minute you detested him. He was the
detective that was brought in to clean up Franklin County. The county ended up
being more of a mess than it was before he came in but, every movie needs the
bad guy right? Really truly it was completely believable that he was this despicable
I hate to refer to the supporting cast
as supporting because they were just as important to the movie and the top
billed three. Jessica Chastain as Maggie was wonderful. She seemed cold and you
did not learn much about her but, that was the way that character was. Jason
Clarke as Howard was great. He played the loose cannon, bull in a china shop
character so well it was completely believable. Mia Wasikowska as Bertha was
remarkable. She was excellent as that shy innocent girl. I thought that maybe
some more could have been done with her character than was actually done. Movies
can only be so long though.
My biggest complaint about Lawless really
was just accents. This is Virginia we are talking about after all. The accent
is very distinctive if you are not from that area just as distinctive as a
British accent. Tom and Shia to me had very odd accents. It was a cross between
southern and I do not even know what else. Yes, there was violence. Lawless is
after all about bootlegging during prohibition and the law enforcement and
government coming in and trying to take a cut. Was some of it pretty hard to
watch? Yes, though excessive was not the word for it. Well, maybe the tar was
All in all Lawless was a good movie.
Each person played their character well. The ending was rushed, but after the
big gunfight I guess they wanted to send everyone on their way. This was where
a big deviation comes in. There were two love stories in this movie. There was
Forrest and Maggie who had a very nontraditional love story. Then Jack and
Bertha’s love story which seemed so storybook. You got to watch Jack trying to
court Bertha although; this was where Lawless fell short for me. Their story
was a very punctuated love story. Forrest and Maggie, well you could tell they
cared for each other. The way them being married was thrust on you was, well,
very similar I would guess to how the Bondurant family found out they were